Well this is weird. The email was sent at 9:41 in the morning. It arrived at 11:00pm. We are just happy it did arrive. (jh)
From: Kyle Hudgins <kyle.hudgins@myldsmail.net>
Subject: Crazy week!
Date: April 9, 2012 9:41:45 AM MDT
Well this week was a good one but also a little tough with the adjustment of a new companion. Its nice to hear that you all had a good Easter. Not to much happened here in Trevelin.
So Elder Clark left this week. Its sad to see him go. We became awesome friends and worked really well together for these past three transfers. Elder Stokes is my new companion. He is from Preston Idaho. He has just over a year on his mission. He is a way cool guy. We are getting along well so thats awesome. The hard part is just going about the things that just became routine when I was with Elder Clark. A new companion makes the routine a little different so its been a little hard to adjust to that and get that happy medium. It has also been really tough to be the person to show him around the area and everything. Im pretty much the one in charge because he doesn´t know anything about the area so thats tough but I think it has really helped me out. I have been talking more in the lessons and being more involved in conversations. I kind of fell in the the habit of letting Elder Clark do all the conversing and I would just support in the lessons. But this changed has really helped me out and helped me step up to the plate a little bit. We were with Prosperina last night and she was very pleased with my progression. She said that when I first got here, it made her mad that she couldn´t have a conversation with me but now she can so that makes her happy. Its also really nice to be able to talk with people more because it helps you grow more love for them which will in turn help in lessons with the spirit so thats an exciting thing to look forward to.
This week we weren´t able to find a lot of investigators because people were doing things for the semana santa the whole week. But we were able to talk with Cristina again. We had a really good conversation with her but it was just in her doorway so we didn´t get into anything too deep. But she was telling her story to Elder Stokes and it was just awesome to see the faith that she has. She is so greatfull for us that we came and found her. She really wants to get baptized. She told us that she called her sister that lives in Tucumán Argentina that she was talking to us and to let them in if they ever come to her house. One thing that also really shocked me was she asked if older people could go on missions. We told her yes and she said that that is something she would love to do. So thats just awesome to hear. We have an appoinment with her tommorrow so hopefully it goes well. We are still praying for her that she can find a house very soon. The guy that she is living with is very abusive and the sooner that she can get out of that house the better it would be for her.
Well thats about it for this week. We are really trying to find some new investigators in this coming week. Hopefully we´ll be able to get some more people progressing in the gospel. I am so greatfull for this gospel. These past few days made me think of all the blessings I have from our Heavenly Father. I´m so greatfull for the atonement of Jesus Christ and his example that he set. I know that if we follow his teachings we will have happier lives on the Earth and also after. I love you all and hope you have a great week.
Les amo,
Elder Kyle Hudgins
The Esquel District at the bus station in Esquel.
Elder Francis, Elder Prusse, Elder White, Elder Clark, Elder Hudgins, Elder Rozas

Elder Hudgins and Elder Clark.

Elder Hudgins in Trevelin.