From: Kyle Hudgins <>
Subject: Hello Family!
Date: 14 Jan 2013 07:41:40 AM MST
Well hello everyone. The emails are telling me that it really cold over there. Well over here its quite the opposite. They were saying that on Friday it got up to 37 degrees. Thats in celcius, i don´t know how much it us in ferenheit but it pretty darn hot. But I sure am getting a nice farmers tan!
Well this week proved to be difficult with the weather and also with investigators choosing not to listen to us. The girl we found last week, Karen, decided to not listen to us anymore and we haven´t been able to get in contact with Fabian and Daniela either. But we did have another great lesson with Omar. We had what you call a charla franca with him this week. Or i guess you could call it a lesson where you just talk frankly with him. We really focused on prayer and reading the Book of Mormon to get an answer if the church is true. We felt the spirit really strong and I hope that he can keep his commitments. He then invited us for an asado on Friday. So that was very nice. Omar is awesome and I pray that he can keep his committments. Hopefully we will be able to see som progress in him this week.
This week we were able to find some people knocking some doors. One of them was a catholic that I felt impressed to contact her mentioning prophets. She said that she didn´t believe any of that stuff but we started up a conversation that lasted about 30 minutes outside her house. We shared with her the message of the restoration and she really started to open up to us. At the begining she was really hard hearted and a little stubborn but by the end she was laughing and smiling with us. She was very friendly and invited us over this week. Another was with a nother woman. She was sitting down outsided of Fabian and Daniela´s house but they weren´t home. She told us they weren´t home. We started up a conversation about what we share and she told us she was recently operated and was feeling really bad. She said that the conversation about the gospel brightened up her day and was so greatfull for us. She happily accepted a pamphlet and we set up an appoinement to go back. Those are just some of the great blessing that come from sharing the gospel in evey moment. There is always someone you can help out and they will be able to feel the spirit of the mesage of the restored gospel.
So this week is the last of the transfer so we will see what happens but there is a possiblitly that I may be leaving. But whatever it is, there is still a lot of work to do here in Parque 2 and hopefully we can find some more people to teach the gospel.
I love you all, hope you have a great week!
Elder Kyle Hudgins
From: Kyle Hudgins <>
Subject: photos
Date: 14 Jan 2013 08:15:36 AM MST
Haha I still have some photos from New Years. The first is with Gonzalo and Miguel Lezana, The other is the birthday of Hno Lezan and Gonzalo. The family didin´t have engough money to make a cake so we went out and bought one for them. It was pretty awesome.

Gonzalo and Miguel Lezana.

Hermano Lezan and Gonzalo’s Birthday.